Gwinda Kelly, the owner and founder of Kelly’s Hilltop Goats began raising goats in 2015. During this time, she always wondered how the milk could be used in different products. After research in this topic she began implementing the milk into bars of soaps. Once these bars were made and given to friends and family as gifts, orders began to come in. Here is when Kelly’s Hilltop Goats was created. Kelly’s Hilltop Goats started as a simple hobby many years prior to the official start of the business back in 2017. Gwinda’s main goal with this business is to create luxury body care products made locally with the consumer in mind.
The most popular of the products would be by far the bar and liquid soaps. The soaps are made from natural ingredients including milk from the goats on the farm! Gwinda tends to the goats and ensures the utmost best quality of all products provided. Kelly’s Hilltop Goats is very accommodating with having an active Facebook business page and a Website. You can find Kelly’s Hilltop Goats at differing markets such as the Duncan Falls Farmers market, Zanesville Farmers Market, other locally held events around Zanesville and even a shop for pickup orders at the farm.